Steel Town Weekly Home

We feel immense pleasure introducing ourselves as a pioneer Iron and Steel magazine in India. Ours, about four decade old weekly publication " STEEL TOWN " has acclaimed to be the Nation's Foremost Steel Magazine on Iron and Steel Sector catering to the need of all concerned with steel viz. Producers, Consumers, Merchants, Trade / Industry and other allied industrial sectors related directly or in-directly with Iron & Steel Commodity.

Besides, the best possible current steely affairs, we are providing all possible updated contents e.g News and Views, Steel Market Rates around the country, comparative and Cartographic Study on different steel products, trendz of steel market all relevant Notifications / Trade Notices / Circulars issued from time to time by Union / State Govt. Tenders / Auctions, Legal aspects, Excise and Custom matters, Discussion on " Steel - In - Parliament", Global Steel Scenario and above all whatever is required by Steel Fraternity in present steel scenario.
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